Freight Transport Service

Scalability / Modularity / Experience
  • 2.3 M


  • + 33

    countries operated by road

  • + 25,000

    rail kilometers (silk route)

  • -35%

    CO2 because of our pooling solution

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Transport options

Are you interested in our Freight Transport Service?

Are you curious about how FM Logistic can help you solve your transport challenges? Contact us and we will do our best to provide you with the right solutions!

Advantages of trusting FM Logistic transport service

  • National coverage

    We offer extensive international coverage to meet the logistics needs of your worldwide business. Our global network of partners and agents allows us to reach any destination, guaranteeing safe and efficient delivery of your goods, regardless of location.

    Our extensive logistics network spans multiple countries and continents, enabling us to overcome geographical and customs barriers. Thanks to our global presence and our experience in managing international supply chains, we can offer you comprehensive and customized solutions for your shipments, achieving timely and smooth delivery.

  • Process traceability

    We understand the importance of traceability in the transport of goods. We use advanced technologies that allow us to monitor and track the entire logistics process, from origin to final destination. Our tracking systems provide you with real-time visibility, ensuring that you are always informed about the location and status of your deliveries.

    For us, traceability is not just a concept, it is a tangible reality at every stage of the logistics process. Using cutting-edge technologies, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and warehouse management systems (WMS), we provide detailed tracking of your products from their point of origin to their final destination. You can track the status of your shipments in real time, access accurate reports and make informed decisions to optimize your supply chain.

  • Information systems

    We have state-of-the-art information systems to optimize your logistics operations. Our technological solutions allow you to efficiently manage and control your goods flows. Through intuitive platforms, you can access up-to-date information on inventory, orders and transport scheduling, facilitating strategic decision making.

    At FM Logistic Ibérica, information is power. Our advanced and customizable information systems give you total control over your logistics operations. Through intuitive dashboards and data analysis tools, you can gain a complete view of your goods flows, identify areas for improvement and make informed strategic decisions. Our state-of-the-art technology gives you a competitive advantage by optimizing the planning, inventory management and coordination of your shipments.

  • Sustainable transport

    At FM Logistic we care about the environment and are committed to sustainable transport. We implement eco-efficient practices and solutions in all our logistics operations. Through route optimization, the use of low-emission vehicles and the promotion of multimodal transport, we reduce environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

    We are firmly committed to environmental sustainability. We implement eco-efficient and environmentally friendly transportation solutions. Our fleet of vehicles is equipped with low-carbon technology and we comply with the most stringent sustainable transportation regulations. In addition, we promote the use of multimodal transport, taking advantage of different modes of transport to reduce the carbon footprint and minimize the environmental impact of your deliveries.

  • Guaranteed excellence

    We strive to provide excellent service at every stage of the logistics process. Our highly trained and committed team is responsible for providing solutions tailored to your specific needs. In addition, we meet the highest standards of quality and safety, ensuring the integrity of your goods and the satisfaction of your customers.

    Our focus on excellence encompasses all aspects of our logistics services. From first contact to final delivery, our team is dedicated to providing you with exceptional quality service. We strive to exceed your expectations in terms of timeliness, accuracy and care for your goods. In addition, our certification to internationally recognized quality standards guarantees excellence at every step of the logistics process.

Our Logistic Transport Solutions

  • Full cargo

    We understand the relevance of the full cargo process. Our logistic transport solutions are adapted to your necessities, bringing you the capacity of delivering full cargo in a secure and agile way.

    Wherever you need to transport bulky or big cargos, we have a wide and specialized vehicle fleet with expert drivers that guarantee the delivery of your cargo. Moreover, our partners network allows us to cover national and international routes, which offer a full coverage for your full cargo deliveries.

  • Groupage

    At FM Logistic we offer logistic transport solutions highly efficient and cost-effective for your groupage deliveries. We know that, on many occasions, your cargo may have no volume enough to a full truck load, so groupage is the ideal solution if you want to optimize your transport costs.

    With our consolidated network and our grouping services, we can combine multiple cargo from different clients in only one delivery, maximizing the vehicle capacity and reducing associated costs. Our vision of careful planification and efficient management guarantees on time and security for your groupage deliveries, bringing you a customized logistic experience.

  • Intermodality

    Intermodality is a key piece of our logistic transport solutions. We take advantage of the different transport modes, as road, rail and maritime, to offer an integral and efficient logistic option.

    Our staff, expert in route planification and logistic coordination, carefully check the features of your deliveries and determine the best transport combination models in order to optimize the efficiency and reduce costs. Intermodality not only allows us to offer a wide coverage and more flexibility in your deliveries, but also supports sustainability because of the CO2 reduction associated with transport.

  • Distribution

    We understand that an efficient distribution is vital for the success of your supply chain. Our logistic transport solutions included distribution services committed and flexible, designed to satisfact your specific necessities. We have a wide vehicle fleet and a warehouse network strategically located, which allows us to offer a fast and efficient distribution service all over the territory.

    Our staff planify optimus routes, guarantee on time deliveries, and manage any logistic challenge, assuring your products arrive on time and in good condition.

  • Control Tower

    Our Control Tower service provides you full visibility and centralized control of your logistic operations. Our expert team is the coordination central point, supervising and managing all your supply chain activities.

    Throughout advanced technology and integrated information systems, we offer real time information about your deliveries, transport performance, incidence or deviation that may occur. Our agile and proactive answer capacity allows us to anticipate potential problems and take the necessary actions to correct them, ensuring efficiency and the excellence in each part of the logistic process. With our Control Tower service you can rest assured that your logistic operations are laying in expert hands and that we will optimize your flow of goods and guarantee a successful and fluent supply chain.

Are you interested in our Freight Transport Service?

Are you curious about how FM Logistic can help you solve your transport challenges? Contact us and we will do our best to provide you with the right solutions!

Multimodality Transport

  • Transport offices

    We have transport and distribution offices strategically located in the Iberian Peninsula. These facilities are equipped with advanced technology and specialized logistics personnel.

    Our team in the transport and distribution offices is in charge of planning and managing your shipments, ensuring a timely and efficient delivery. The geographical proximity of our offices allows us to offer you a quick response and an agile and optimal logistics service. FM Logistic has transport offices in Illescas, San Fernando de Henares, Ferrol, Ansoain, Santa Perpetua and Ribarroja.

    Our network of transport and distribution offices strategically located in the Iberian Peninsula allows us to provide you with complete and efficient coverage and we can guarantee high quality logistics management and precise coordination at every stage of the process.

  • Port presence

    FM Logistic Ibérica has a strong presence in strategic ports of the Iberian Peninsula. Our offices located in these key ports allow us to optimize import and export processes.

    Being close to international trade centers gives us a logistical advantage by facilitating efficient coordination in customs clearance and ensuring a smooth flow of your shipments through the port facilities. We have a presence in the ports of Valencia, Ferrol and Barcelona.

    Our experience in these strategic ports allow us to offer a comprehensive service tailored to your needs, ensuring an efficient handling of your import and export operations.

  • Distribution

    Intermodal distribution is a key FM Logistic approach that combines different modes of transport to achieve efficient and sustainable supply chain management. Our goal is to optimize the mobility of your goods by utilizing the advantages of each mode of transport, minimizing costs and reducing environmental impact.

    Through intermodality, we can design customized solutions to suit your specific distribution needs.

    At FM Logistic, we have an extensive network of intermodal nodes strategically located throughout the Iberian Peninsula. With a modern and advanced infrastructure, we ensure a smooth and agile flow of your shipments throughout the entire intermodal distribution chain.

Why trust in FM Logistc the Freight Transport Service

  • Sustainability

    At FM Logistic we are committed to reduce the environmental impact in the supply chain, working in partnership with our customers to develop sustainable logistics and transportation solutions. These solutions include route optimization and the use of low-emission vehicles, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to fighting against climate change. By working closely with customers to implement sustainable solutions, we help reduce the environmental impact of the supply chain, while providing significant added value for our customers in terms of social and environmental responsibility.

    We offer an element of differentiation by focusing on green hydrogen as an alternative fuel for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We have become the first logistics company in Spain to have a hydrogen plant in our facilities. It is located in our logistics warehouse in Illescas.

  • Innovation

    As a company committed to the development and adoption of innovative technologies, we work closely with our customers to identify opportunities for improvement and to implement innovative solutions that improve efficiency and reduce costs. Innovative technologies include the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced data analytics, which enable further automation and optimization in supply chain management. In addition, we also offer customized solutions to our customers, designed to meet their specific business needs and help them stay ahead in a changing and competitive market environment.

    We also offer a put-to-light system, balea, warehouse management system Reflex, econtrol image picking and vision inventory.

  • Social commitment

    We offer significant added value in terms of social commitment by actively working to improve the social and economic conditions of the locations in which we operate. We are committed to the highest ethical standards and to promoting respect for human rights in our operations and supply chain. In addition, we are dedicated to local job creation, employee training and development, and to promoting diversity and inclusion in the company. Finally, through the FM Foundation, we are committed to supporting social initiatives and projects related to social integration and children by working together with social organizations close to our locations.

    Similarly, we have a program called Blue Hearts, which supports employee initiatives linked to a particular hobby and presented as a project to be shared collectively with colleagues. In this way, we encourage our employees to share their hobbies or passions with their colleagues.

  • Quality

    • LEED Gold Certification: Leader in Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Design, refers to buildings built with eco efficiency and sustainability standards.
    • HQE Certification: High Quality Environmental, guarantees high environmental standards, energy efficiency, wellbeing and safety.
    • High Protected Risk (HPR) Certificate: Highly Protected Risk, guarantees compliance with all property protection standards.
    • Ecovadis Gold, the highest certification in corporate social responsibility.
    • ISO 9001 ISO 14001
  • Nearness

    We are very committed to long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers. We believe that the success of our operations lies in close relationships with people, flexibility and resilience.


    taking care of our people is at the core of our DNA

    . The success of our logistics operator lies in our commitment to our employees. We believe that having happy, contented and motivated employees, and being committed to their flexibility and work-life balance, is the key to business success and growth.

Supply Chain Solutions

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